How NOT to Ask for Directions
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
A funny thing happened on the way home from yoga class yesterday. I was sitting at a stop light, getting ready to turn left, and the light turned green. Just then the woman on my right honked her horn to get my attention. I quickly put down the window and she yelled, "How do I get to the highway?"
I responded, "Just keep going."
Did I give her the right response? I have no idea. I did not know what highway she was looking for so she might have been headed in the wrong direction. But I was keenly aware of all the cars behind us waiting to get through the intersection and didn't feel comfortable having a conversation with her just then or in that way. I hope she was headed in the right direction.
How very human to want direction while racing along life's highway, unable or unwilling to slow down long enough to know where we are, oblivious of the impact we are having on those around us.
And how very human not to take the time to give a thoughtful response or gather all the required information to do so when feeling pressured by time constraints (real or imagined) or the needs of others.
When I facilitate the First Friday Retreat at Richmond Hill, I am often struck by the view from the hill. It overlooks I-95 and the cars and trucks speeding by on the busy highway look like ants frantically going back and forth. I wonder where they are all going. We are so busy!
The contrast between that view and the peace of the retreat is startling. It also brings home to me the value of taking that time to slow down, to be still and reconnect with God. In the stillness I can get clear on what really matters and receive guidance for the journey.
“It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.”