Spiritual Direction
“I would speak to the seeker who has sincerely and consciously embarked on the inward journey to the self and is therefore aware of the need for a spiritual guide. For the journey to the self is at the same time the great journey to the Self, the God who dwells within.”
The role of the spiritual director is to accompany you on your journey and, through deep listening and spiritual friendship, help you to hear and follow the Divine direction for your life.
Many enjoy the opportunity to reflect with a qualified spiritual director about their life and its events. With an ear tuned to noticing where the Divine or Spirit may be active, these conversations have a way of allowing those "holy nudges" toward a fuller life to become more apparent.
I have had the privilege of serving as a spiritual friend and guide to both clergy and lay alike, meeting with people from a variety of faith traditions (and none at all) since 1998. I also served on the faculty of the RUAH School of Spiritual Guidance.
“…not everyone correctly understands the purpose of spiritual direction, and many people have never experienced it. That problem is compounded for people who feel marginalized by the church, for seekers and for nones, who are even less likely to have even heard of spiritual direction and may feel too intimidated to pursue it. Many people think of it as a kind of therapy, which it is not. It is guided conversation about a person’s spiritual life. While spiritual directors are trained to listen carefully to directees, they are not psychologists licensed to treat mental health issues. Instead, the focus of their work is on prayer and contemplation.”
What can you expect from Spiritual Direction?
A deeper and richer personal spirituality.
A greater sensitivity to and awareness of the presence of the sacred in your life.
A clearer sense of what you are being called to do and be.
A sense of the spiritual practices that best help you be responsive to that calling, such as journal writing, prayer and meditation.
A greater energy and vitality for your work.
A greater sense of purpose and direction in your life.
Sessions for spiritual guidance generally take place monthly by Zoom and last about an hour. Sessions may be held on the telephone as well, to accommodate clients as needed.
I am deeply rooted in my Christian faith and taught a weekly Bible study at my church for nearly 40 years. It is from that place of rootedness that I am able to embrace those of my own and other traditions and walk with you as you explore your own spirituality.
“God is not a Christian, God is not a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist. All of those are human systems which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honor my tradition, I walk through my tradition, but I don’t think my tradition defines God, I think it only points me to God.”
“I feel comfortable in Mimi’s presence and in sharing intimate aspects of my spiritual life with her. I appreciate her warm hospitality, listening skills, wise contributions to subjects that surface, and ability to be fully present in our time together.”
“I so enjoyed our time together yesterday! I feel more and more of me simply unfolding...or opening. What a great gift you are giving me...myself. God is smiling.”
“Mimi is one of the most discerning, encouraging people I know. Her willingness to reach out to others, to get to know them, to hear them and to pray over them makes her unique and special! She is always willing to say the ‘hard things’ that I need to hear but at the same time she is a gentle, steady motivator!”